JTransc 0.1.4 – Pre-Inception!
March 21, 2016
I have just released version 0.1.4
. And it is already available at maven central.
This version allows jtransc to transcompile itself (it compiles, though still not fully working; can’t make two levels of inception).
- Fixed Short.swap16
- Fixed HaxeNatives.toNativeString when string is null
- Fixed travis; now executing tests (before it was not executing tests and just checking that it compiles)
- Fixed compilation with decapitalized classes (haxe enforces capitalized class names)
- Fixed a bug that prevented java constructor dynamic instantiaton to not call haxe constructor and thus constant fields not being initialized
- Fix infinite recursion on constructors (now constructors and static constructors prepend class name to its name, so you it call the constructor it require without inheritance interfering)
- Fixed FastMemory byte order running on JVM
- Fixed a compilation bug with two synthetic fields with the same name in the same class
- Fixed comparisons between an interface and java.lang.Object
- Fixed interfaces containing one or more Object methods
- Added try, catch and finally keywords, so with kotlin or other JVM language allowing arbitrary names, it will work
Java RT implemented stuff
- Implemented Object.clone
- Implemented System.exit and System.getenv
- Implemented System: emptySet, emptySortedSet, emptyNavigableSet, emptyList, emptyMap, emptySortedMap, emptyNavigableMap, singleton, list, frequency and disjoint
- Implemented lots of FileSystem stuff
- Implemented System.getProperty with default, System.setProperty and System.cleanProperty
- Implemented ZipFile stuff
- Added some java.util.concurrent collections and stuff (without actually being concurrent since jtransc is single threaded)
Additions to jtransc-rt-core
- JTranscSyncIO make abstract implementations, so they are easily overridable
- Implemented synchronous IO in nodejs
- Added Inflater implementation
- Support HaxeNatives.rethrow in some more targets
- Unified FileSystem stuff into something that can be overriden from jtransc and with a default implementation that currently works on nodejs
- Updated jtransc-main
- Updated to kotlin 1.0.1
- Added inception project, so you can compile jtransc using jtransc (potentially recursively)
- Added much more tests