KorGE Github Sponsors February 2021 Update
February 1, 2021
Hey folks! First of all, thank you for being my sponsors!
I have created a new service https://id.korge.org/.
This service allows you to login with your github account, and link other services to receive perks for your sponsorship like Discord roles. Please, start logging in there and linking your Discord account if you have one.
It will also allow you to login with your account into the KorGE IntelliJ plugin to get early preview of new features soon.
This service doesn't store your email or any other sensible information, and just uses oauth to get your services ids.
Right now the service is experimental. It is not automatically procesing Discord ranks, but I will start automating that in the coming weeks.
Current Priorities
My current priorities regarding to KorGE:
- Fixed some huge JS performance issues (already on korge-next)
- Publish a game in the stores. Once available there, I will publish the source code and will record videos explaining how to do that. The game is a puzzle game.
- Fix the multitouch API on mobile
- Fix some stuff related to the Text APIs (like alignments not working for vector fonts with autoscaling)
- Continue working on the IntelliJ Plugin, including login with
, and .ktree editor improvements initially available to sponsors
I have created a small anonymous form so you can provide feedback about your personal priorities regarding to KorGE: