Coding, tech, videogames and stuff
Changelog: Updated to .NET 4.5 / Mono 3.x.x Reimplemented how the CPU dynarec works: Now generates...
July 27, 2013
Today I have completed my project atpl.js. atpl.js (Advanced TemPLates) tried to implement comple...
March 3, 2013
Forgot to write about this last time. I created mid last year a project called “pspautotests“. I c...
December 1, 2012
I continued the emulator lately. I decided to do a step back and try to rework on the cpu compiler...
November 30, 2012
I have reached a new milestone. I have been fixing bugs and now I can compile and run successfully...
May 19, 2012
Lately we are commiting much less to the project that before. That’s because I’m working on anothe...
May 16, 2012
I am working on supporting x64 right now (with atrac3+ support on windows) and improving the compi...
May 5, 2012
New version of the emulator.Download This version fixes lots of bugs and adds some news features...
May 3, 2012
I am making public a WIP and unstable version because this is the first version “supporting” linux...
April 27, 2012
Download: This version has major improvements: Module loading (this allow more games to run, in...
April 7, 2012
New version of the emulator! Download Soywiz’s Psp Emulator Version 2012-04-03 News: A new con...
April 3, 2012
Just a few days after the first release I update it again. I have fixed some stuff that I miss and...
March 1, 2012